Out of the bottle, this brew pours chunky, dark and oily black. Even with an aggressive pour, you get only a small, dark tan head. The aroma is slightly sweet with coffee and caramel highlights. On the palate, the concoction is rich, bold, full-bodied and extremely boozy. The carbonation is well balanced. You immediately recognize strong coffee, dark chocolate and sweet caramel. There is also a slightly bitter aftertaste which dissipates the deeper into the bottle you go.
So what’s the verdict? This is the Barry Bonds of beer. This is Guinness on steroids. This is beer nirvana. In a word (or many words as the case may be), this brew is superb, outstanding, delightful, sublime, perfect. And as Iron Mike Tyson would say, “it kicks like a fuckin’ mule” to boot.
I sure wouldn’t have thought this when I poured it, but this beer is surprisingly drinkable for a dark ale that borders on a Barley Wine. But maybe that was just the alcohol kickin’ in. I don’t know and I don’t care. What I do know, is that this is no refreshing post-ride beverage. To the contrary, this is a 22 oz. full course meal. This is a beer that you slowly savor one night and then ride off the next day. So buy it today, drink it tonight and then ride it off tomorrow. Final rating: 10 out of 10.
The vitals:
Beer: Pizza Port Old Viscosity Ale
Brewery: Port Brewing Company
Style: American Strong Dark Ale
Alcohol: 10.0% (Pow!)
Size: 22 oz. Bomber
Price: $4.49 at BevMo!
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